There's Tester role that is made for some people who can win it and and test new map that their team make.Now,There's a player who got recently his Tester role removed all because of a his profile picute that Bixxy has made. DraksTOP and DarkVenom did nothing wrong but Bixxy and BFHPTPIRATE are toxic. Their names are:Bixxy,BFHPTPIRATE,DraksTOP,DarkVenom.
Leader team of the game is toxic too,I can say. The point is,The whole discord group of the Battlefield Heroes is toxic. Their servers are up and down whole time,It's few days offline now and sometimes it's up but doesn't say. Rising Hub is a toxic community with toxic leaders. 1 of the remakes of the game was shutted down for a reason. The remake of the Battlefield Heroes is named Rising Hub.
So there is a remake of game named Battlefield Heroes that was made in 25 June 2009 and shutted down 14 July 2015.